Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's the Little Things

November 7, 2006, 8:35pm. My wife and daughter are on our bed going over my little girls reading assignment. They are both dressed for bed. My wife in laying on her stomach half covered by the sheets with that half smile on her face, the one she has when she is pleased with her student. Miranda sitting Indian style on my side of the bed, deep in concentration. I'm at the door watching, drinking in the moment, this perfect little moment. They don't know I'm there. I savor it as long as I can and try to etch it into my memory. This is one of the little things that make life so special. These little things are ever so important, but usually forgotten, pushed aside for something "BIG". The Big stuff gets all the attention, but the little things ARE important. The big stuff can sometimes take care of itself. It's the little things that need the attention or you may miss something very important and that would be a very bad thing indeed. These moments are fleeting, enjoy them while you can, because you blink and they are gone.


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