Wheel Watch 08
I ordered a wheel from Colorado Cyclist back in July and it was finally shipped on 09-02-08. As of 4am this morning it has left Nashville TN. I hope to get it soon as road season is almost over as the days are getting shorter and all. It is scheduled to get here on Monday, I hope it is early.
Now, for more serious stuff..... I was looking over some of my previous posts and noticed I wrote some hateful and mean things about some of my coworkers. That was uncalled for and just wrong, I should not have done that and I do feel bad about it. I didn't like the way things were handled with my commuting and I wish they would have come to me about it and we could have talked about it instead of going to my supervisor. I can't say I would have listened though, but now....yeah, I would. I mean we do nee to get along since we work together. The worst part of it for me was the smugness. I could tell by the expressions on the faces of the ladys when they walked by my office. It made things a little too personal, but that's no excuse for my behavior. So, from now on I will post on cycling and such, no politics whether national, local, or office......but I do like Palin....